Ferrets are cute and playful animals that are popular as pets around the world. They have a unique personality, and their playful nature can bring joy and laughter to their owners. However, like all pets, ferrets have a lifespan, and as they get older, they may face certain health problems that require special attention.

In this article, we’ll explore how long ferrets live as pets and what to expect as they get older.

What is the Average Lifespan of a Ferret?

The average lifespan of a ferret is around 6 to 8 years, although some ferrets can live up to 10 years or more. The lifespan of a ferret depends on various factors, including genetics, diet, and living conditions.

Genetics: Genetics play a significant role in a ferret’s lifespan. Some ferrets may have a genetic predisposition to certain health problems that can affect their lifespan. These may include conditions like adrenal disease or insulinoma, which can shorten a ferret’s lifespan.

Diet: Diet is another critical factor that can impact a ferret’s lifespan. Ferrets are obligate carnivores, which means they require a special ferret diet that is high in protein and fat. Feeding a ferret a poor diet can lead to health problems that can shorten its lifespan. It is essential to choose the right food for your ferret to help them live a long and healthy life.

Feeding your ferret a high quality ferret food such as Marshall Premium Ferret Diet is key to optimal health.

Feeding your ferret a high-quality ferret food such as Marshall Premium Ferret Diet is key to optimal health.

Living Conditions: The living conditions of a ferret can also affect its lifespan. Ferrets need a safe and clean environment that is free from stress and danger. Proper housing, bedding, and regular cleaning can help prevent health problems that can affect a ferret’s lifespan.

As your ferret ages, it is important to be aware of its changing needs and to take steps to ensure they remain healthy and happy.

What to Expect as Ferrets Get Older

As ferrets get older, they may experience changes in their behavior, health, and overall well-being. Here are some common things to expect as your ferret gets older:

Slower Movement: As ferrets age, they may become less active and move more slowly. This can be due to decreased energy levels, joint problems, or other health issues. It is important to provide your older ferret with a comfortable and safe environment that is easy for them to navigate.

Dental Problems: Dental problems are common in older ferrets, and they can lead to pain, difficulty eating, and other health issues. Regular dental checkups and teeth cleaning can help prevent dental problems and ensure your ferret remains healthy.

Health Issues: As ferrets age, they may be more prone to certain health problems, such as adrenal disease, insulinoma, and heart disease. Regular checkups with a veterinarian can help detect and treat these health issues early.

Behavioral Changes: Older ferrets may become less playful and more reserved as they age. They may also become more sensitive to changes in their environment and may require more quiet and comfort than younger ferrets.

Decreased Appetite: As ferrets age, they may experience a decrease in appetite. This can be due to dental problems, health issues, or other factors. It is important to monitor your ferret’s appetite and ensure they are eating a healthy and balanced diet.